Wednesday, November 30, 2011

IOCC 201

Our final exam is:
December 12th from 12-2pm in Ed Complex 105/105.
Dr. Berg

W/F IOCC 201

Wed (Today):  Augustine and exams back.
Fri - Roman period.  Reading package from Library
Wed - Review
Fri - No Class
December 12th 12-2pm Final Exam Ed Complex 105/105

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Rhet 102

Oral presentations start today. A few items to note: If you miss a presentation by a colleague you lose 10 points. You must have something for me to follow your presentation. Dress appropriately. A few of you have not had an office conference with me, you need to do this. Follow the advice I gave you on the handout.

Dr. Berg

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rhet 102 Office meetings

Rhetoric 102 students.
Missing the paper conference in my office can have catastrophic consequences on your grade in the course.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

IOCC 201 Exam II study guide

Review Sheet

IOCC 201

Second Exam

For all documents that we read know: the aprox. date written, author, location and source language. (There are some documents we read that we do not know these things about, others that we know all of the above, a few that we know some of the above, consult your notes)

The synoptic gospels, the Gospels.

Quadriga method

The basic message of Judaism.

The basic message of Paul’s Christianity.

Which Gospel was written first.

The lost source of the Synoptic Gospels

Source languages of the Bible

When the Biblical text were written in relation to Homer, Plato and Aristotle.

Basics of the life of Jesus of Nazareth

Basics of the life of Paul.

Basics of the Bible.

Basic narrative the Genesis 1-23

Basic narrative of Joshua.

Structure of Isaiah

Pauline opening/greeting

The complexities of the ending of Mark

Basic arguments of Romans

Romans 13 and society

How to work with a Biblical text as a Jewish and a Christian Text

Basic of the Koran

5 pillars of faith

Basics of the life of Muhammad

Technical terms related to the Koran

Basics of the Islamic tradition, history, and current practice

RHET 102

Very Important!

Students that signed up for a conference on Wed I must change your date.

Please email me and we can set up a time to meet.

Dr. Berg

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rhet 102

Class presentation sign up sheet is hanging next to the conference sheet.
You must bring me an outline of your presentation for me to follow.
Dr. Berg

Rhet 102

The sign up sheet for office conferences is now hanging by my outer door.
Please note that you must bring 2 copies of the following:
1..A formal outline
2. A bibliography

Both typed.

Thank you,
Dr. Berg