Friday, December 5, 2014

IOCC 201 Twitter Contest Results!

The Winner!
Brittany, Jasmin, Melissa.

"That awkward moment when you have to be nice to the one person that hates you the most #Killemwithkindness #Lovethyenemy"

Honorable Mention:
Klay Hickey, Mallory Routien, and Laney Wisneski

"@god says u may b riding the #strugglebus but keep ur faith no matter how bad things get: he will pu u thru and grant you glory! #GodIsGood"

Jenny Penone, Carson Terrel, Seth Stanton, and Phoenix Tupper

"Adam's sin damned us, then God forgave s through Christ. In other words, Adam dropped the ball. #AdamYouF%ckedUp"

Cody A, Ryan W, and Damin B.

"Goodby Sin! There is a new sheriff in town! #Grace"

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A good map link (IOCC 201);_ylt=AwrB8p.qZn5UzxkANUiJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzdG1qdGRyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMzZDM0ODlmZDQyMzk3MDAyZjM3ODFhNGNkYzU4YThiYgRncG9zAzQ2BGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&

IOCC 201 Map Exam Final

IOCC 201 Map Exam Final Exam
Map Exam:
Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, Damascus, Tarsus, Hippo, Alexandria, Byzantium (Constantinople/Istanbul) Paris, Ancient Troy, Ireland, Ancient Greece, Italy, Spain, Gaul, Norway, Denmark, Africa, The British Islands, Judea, Germania, Ancient Egypt, The Atlantic Ocean, the Dead Sea, the Aegean Sea, The Nile River, The Mediterranean.

Final Exam Advice:
Use all three study guides and this map guide to study.  Do your reading.

Monday, December 1, 2014

IOCC 201 M/W/F classes

December 1st we meet in the Chapel.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

IOCC Exam III Study Guide

IOCC 201 Exam III
  • the history of the Roman Empire
  •  how and why it changed
  •  the history of early Christianity
  • Myth of Rome
  •  how and why it changed
  •  the relationship between the  Roman Empire and Christianity
  • The relationship between the Eastern (Greek) and Western (Latin) wing of the Empire
  • Basic early Church architecture
  • Words of the Day
  • Time in Augustine
  • Plato and Augustine
  • Augustine material about his life
  • Do your reading!!!
  • IOCC 201 All Sections

    Comprehensive Final Exam:
    December 8th, 3pm, Ed Complex 104/5.

    IOCC 201 Tuesday Night Class

    End of the semester info:
    11.25.14 Yes, we have class.  We will cover St. Augustine.

    12.2.14 - Short Church Architecture lecture-EXAM III-Review for the final exam.

    12.8.14 - 3pm Comprehensive Final Exam.

    MGMNT 340 Phil 226

    11.25 Project Work #4: due 12.2

    12.2 Contest for additional formative comments on project

    12.4 Exam II

    12.8 Final 9am: Our normal room

    12.11 Projects due Noon.  Moodle

    IOCC 201 Tuesday 11.25

    Yes, we have class!

    Sunday, November 23, 2014

    Mgmnt 340 Phi 226

    End of the Semester looks like this:

    25 = Project Day 4
    27 = Thanksgiving Break

    2 = Contest Day
    4 Exam II

    We will take a comprehensive final exam on the day scheduled by the college.

    Friday, November 21, 2014

    IOCC 201 all sections Augustine

    Please read books : I, II, VII, VIII, and XI

    Tuesday, November 18, 2014

    IOCC 201 Extra Credit

    Extra Credit:  Select one Roman Emperor (here is a good place to look ).

    Write a short biography (do a bit of research, please don't copy and paste) and tell me, from the biography you wrote, what kind of leader you think he was. 
    200 words bio, 200 words evaluation of his leadership.
    Due no later than December 1st on Moodle.

    Monday, November 17, 2014

    November 19 IOOC 201 class 11am only!

    I have a meeting that conflicts with our class, so class is canceled.  JUST the 11am class.  I will make up the Roman ground in Augustine.
    Thanks for understanding.

    Just the 11am class is canceled on the 19th!

    Revised IOCC M/W/F


    17                                             The Roman Empire

    19                                            The Roman Empire                                        

    21                                           Augustine-Confessions

    24                                             Augustine-Confessions

    26                                           Thanksgiving

    28                                           Thanksgiving

    1                                              Church Architecture-Meet at Chapel

    3                                              Review

    5                                              Exam III  Final Paper Due!

    IOCC 201 Tuesday night

    November 18th, Roman Empire, I will bring the reading material.

    Tuesday, November 11, 2014

    IOCC 201 M/W/F

    Just a reminder, we do not have class this Friday, November 14th.  However, you do have an exam Wednesday!
    Dr. Berg

    Monday, November 10, 2014

    IOCC classes Extra Credit

    Thursday November 13th, 7PM Thoresen Auditorium (Springer-Putnam Building)
    Alumni Readings
    Attend, Written assignment on Moodle.
    5 points max.

    Sunday, November 9, 2014

    IOCC 201 Exam II

    Second Exam
    For all documents that we read know: the aprox. date written, author, location and source language. (There are some documents we read that we do not know these things about, others that we know all of the above, a few that we know some of the above, consult your notes)
    Make sure you have read all assigned text, do not turst your knowledge of the Bible for the exam, study it!
    The synoptic Gospels, the Gospels.

    Quadriga method

    The basic message of Judaism.

    The basic message of Paul’s Christianity.

    Which Gospel was written first.

    The lost source of the Synoptic Gospels

    Source languages of the Bible

    When the Biblical text were written in relation to Homer, Plato and Aristotle.

    Basics of the life of Jesus of Nazareth

    Basics of the life of Paul.

    Basics of the Bible.

    Basic narrative the Genesis 1-23

    Basic narrative of Joshua.
    Structure of Isaiah

    How Isaiah relates to both the Hebrew and Christian tradition.
    Pauline opening/greeting
    Difference between a Gospel and an Epistle.

    The complexities of the ending of Mark

    Basic arguments of Romans

    Romans 13 and society

    How to work with a Biblical text as a Jewish and a Christian Text

    Basic of the Koran

    5 pillars of faith

    Basics of the life of Muhammad

    ISIL and the ancient world

    Basics of the Islamic tradition, history, and current practice

    Monday, November 3, 2014

    The Koran

    Please read:

    Tuesday, October 28, 2014

    IOCC 201 Tuesday Evening Exam info

    Your exam will be on November 11th (no change) but it will not start until 7:30PM.  The exam is designed to allow you to finish in one hour so do not fear you will be short of time.
    Dr. Berg

    All IOCC classes- Extra Credit

    Attend.  Write a short reaction (250) words on the Moodle page. 
    Look for Human Trafficking forum.  5 points


    Human sex trafficking is big business, organized crime and the third largest criminal enterprise in the world. The United States faces interstate trafficking of minors. The majority of the victims are runaways or thrown away youths who live on the streets.


    Human sex trafficking begins through forced abduction, pressure, or through deceptive agreements between parents and traffickers. Once involved in prostitution, victims travel far from their homes and are isolated from all they know. Few children develop relationships with peers or adults other than the person victimizing them. Their lifestyle revolves around violence, forced drug use and constant threats.


    The number of young children and teens living on the streets has become an epidemic in the United States. It is no longer an ‘international’ problem. Many victims are engaged in formal slavery and organized crime networks where they are trafficked nationally. The average age of a victim begins at 11. Girls and boys are affected.


    Grounds of Grace, a not for profit ministry project, has pioneered one of the first innovative family home environments in our nation to offer extraordinary living, age 16 plus, through mentorship, education, living, relationship, vocational, work, and community programs to equip and successfully integrate each person of human trafficking into society for a life of hope and promise.


    Representatives from Grounds of Grace will be presenting a frank and honest discussion about the growing issues of this horrific crime.  We encourage everyone to come out and learn what you can do to stop it.


    WHEN:                  Wednesday, October 29, 6:00 p.m.


    WHERE:                Thorsen Recital Hall,


    Pizza will be  provided after the presentation.

    MGMNT 340/ Phil 26 Extra Credit

    Attend.  Write a short reaction (250) words on the Moodle page. 
    Look for Human Trafficking forum.  5 points


    Human sex trafficking is big business, organized crime and the third largest criminal enterprise in the world. The United States faces interstate trafficking of minors. The majority of the victims are runaways or thrown away youths who live on the streets.


    Human sex trafficking begins through forced abduction, pressure, or through deceptive agreements between parents and traffickers. Once involved in prostitution, victims travel far from their homes and are isolated from all they know. Few children develop relationships with peers or adults other than the person victimizing them. Their lifestyle revolves around violence, forced drug use and constant threats.


    The number of young children and teens living on the streets has become an epidemic in the United States. It is no longer an ‘international’ problem. Many victims are engaged in formal slavery and organized crime networks where they are trafficked nationally. The average age of a victim begins at 11. Girls and boys are affected.


    Grounds of Grace, a not for profit ministry project, has pioneered one of the first innovative family home environments in our nation to offer extraordinary living, age 16 plus, through mentorship, education, living, relationship, vocational, work, and community programs to equip and successfully integrate each person of human trafficking into society for a life of hope and promise.


    Representatives from Grounds of Grace will be presenting a frank and honest discussion about the growing issues of this horrific crime.  We encourage everyone to come out and learn what you can do to stop it.


    WHEN:                  Wednesday, October 29, 6:00 p.m.


    WHERE:                Thorsen Recital Hall,


    Pizza will be  provided after the presentation.

    Monday, October 27, 2014

    IOCC 201 1pm

    I apologize for this, but the college has called a meeting at 1pm today and I must attend the meeting.  It was just called at 10am this morning.
    JUST the 1pm class is canceled today: October 27, 2014.

    Monday, October 20, 2014

    IOCC 201 11am, 1pm,2pm

    Reminder, you have a Moodle assignment on Christianity. 

    Tuesday, October 14, 2014

    IOCC 201 Friday October 17th M/W/F classes

    We will not meet in the classroom, my apologies for not being able to meet with you and initially telling you we would meet.  You will have a Moodle assignment to take the place of the in-class experience.  Look for it to be posted soon.

    REMINDER 11AM CLASS:  Please bring your exam to class this Wednesday the 15th!

    MGMNT 340/Phil 226

    We have an exam Thursday over Method (Consequentialism and Deontology), I hope nobody is surprised by this, it has been on the schedule for weeks now, but just in case, I post it here.

    Here is the schedule for the rest of the semester:

    14 = 42 Film
    16 = Exam I
    21 Project Day #1
    23 Consumers pp. 191-226
    28 Environment pp. 239-263
    30 Project Day 2

    4 = Workplace I 276-306
    6 = Workplace II 316-340
    11 = Project Day 3
    13 = No Class
    18 = Moral Choices 353-380
    20 = Job Discrimination 390-413
    25 = Thanksgiving Break
    27 = Thanksgiving Break

    2 = Project day 4
    4 Exam II

    We will take a comprehensive final exam on the day scheduled by the college.

    11am IOCC 201 Very Important!!!

    Please bring your first exam to class this Wednesday, October 15!
    It is in your best interest to do this.  When you read this, please remind others in the class to bring their exam.
    Thank you!
    Dr. Berg

    Friday, October 10, 2014

    IOCC 201 Tuesday NIght

    Please bring your exams back to class next time we meet on October 14th.

    When you read this, please remind others in the class.

    Thank  you!

    Dr. Berg 

    Tuesday, October 7, 2014

    IOCC 201 M/W/F Extra Credit Winners

    11am with 1.94 points per student

    1 PM with 1.86 points per student

    2pm with 1.78 points per students

    11am = 6 EC points each
    1PM = 4 EC points each
    2PM = 2 EC points each

    Thanks to you all!!!!!!

    IOCC 201 Tuesday Night

    October 7 -Intro to the Bible- The Hebrew tradition-Genesis (1-23)
    October 14-Genesis/Joshua (all)
    October 21- Isaiah-Intro to Christianity
    October 28 Gospel of Mark (all)-Paul's Letter to the Romans (all)
    November 4- Islam-Koran
    November 11 Exam II

    Friday, September 26, 2014

    MGMT 340/Phil 226

    Your study guide for the film Boiler Room will be due Tuesday, October 30th by midnight on Moodle.
    Dr. Berg

    Wednesday, September 24, 2014

    IOCC 201 Study Guide Fall 2014 Exam I

    Remember, I am not bound by this guide in any way. Think of it as a good basic guide but not a controlling document.

    IOCC 210 study guide

    Do not take this as a complete representation of what could be on the exam, it is a “rough guide” at best.

    Know the “ages” of the Greek world and what gave rise to Homer’s age.

    The basic of Homeric authorship, style, works, structure, muse/poet, etc.

    Know the main characters from the sections of The Odyssey we read.

    When did Greek philosophy develop? Know some basics of Greek Philosophical thought.

    Difference between Plato and Socrates.

    Fundamentals of Platonic thought.

    The story of Ion, magnetic rings, and what it teaches, and Plato’s argument.

    Details of the trial of Socrates, outcome, charges, etc

    Know the Socratic defense.

    The Allegory of the cave from Republic (Book 7)

    Rough details of Aristotle’s life.

    What counts as poetry

    Know how to identify the poetic

    Three forms of poetry. Which one is best and why

    How to identify the tragic.

    The four causes.

     Essential, accidental  properties.

    Aristotle on happiness

    The 6 conditions for happiness and their order

    The 4 lives, which one is best any why.

    The ideal Polis (state) for Plato and Aristotle
    The Virtues

    Basic forms of knowledge and the justification for truth from all three.

     Basic form of Platonic and Aristotelian writing as we have it today.

    Basic Greek form of Democracy and their legal system.

    Tuesday, September 23, 2014

    IOCC 201 M/W/F 11,1,2

    We meet in Putnam/Springer tomorrow! 9.24.14

    Aristotle's Poetics!

    MGMNT 340 Phil 226

    My apologies, but class will not meet on 9.23.14.  We will pick up our film and study guide on 9.25.
    Dr. Berg

    IOCC 201 you will meet tonight!!!

    Tuesday, September 16, 2014

    Tuesday Night Class IOCC 201

    9.16.14 Ion, Apology and an Intro to Aristotle

    9.23.14 Aristotle's: Politics Books I and II, Poetics (all), and Ethics Books I and II.

    9.30.14 Exam I

    Tuesday, September 9, 2014

    IOCC 201 M/W/F classes

    This is subject to change, but it looks good for now.

    Reading Calendar M/W/F IOCC 201 Fall 2014


    10                                           Plato’s Republic Book 7-Greek Philosophy

    12                                           Plato’s Republic Book 7

    15                                           Plato’s Ion

    17                                           Plato-Apology

    19                                           Aristotle

    22                                           Aristotle Politics 1.2

    24                                           Aristotle Poetics

    26                                            Aristotle- Ethics 1,2

    29                                            Aristotle Ethics 1,2


    1                                              Exam I

    3                                                              Fall Break

    8                                              The Hebrew tradition

    10                                            Genesis 1-23

    13                                           Joshua Selections

    15                                           Isaiah Selections

    17                                           Christianity

    20                                           Christianity

    22                                          The Gospel of Mark

    24                                         The Gospel of Mark

    27                                         Paul

    29                                         Paul’s Letter to the Romans 

    31                                        Paul’s Letter to the Romans  


    3                                             Islam  

    5                                              The Koran

    7                                             The Koran

    10                                           The Koran

    12                                           Exam II

    14                                           The Roman Empire

    17                                            The Roman Empire                        

    19                                            Augustine                                        

    21                                           Augustine

    24                                          St. Benedict

    26                                           Thanksgiving

    28                                           Thanksgiving

    1                                              Church Architecture

    3                                              Review

    5                                              Exam III


    Thursday, August 28, 2014

    IOCC 201 Tues 6-9pm class only!!!

    I mistakenly gave out the wrong syllabus Tuesday!  Please either toss the one you have or bring it to class and throw it away.  I will hand out the correct one and outline the differences.  My apologies.
    Dr. Berg

    Tuesday, August 26, 2014

    Welcome back!

    Welcome back to MacMurray College!

    Wednesday, April 23, 2014

    Exam II questions IOCC 201

    1.        Apply the Quadriga Method to the following selection from the The Gospel of Mark:


    Again he began to teach beside the sea. Such a very large crowd gathered around him that he got into a boat on the sea and sat there, while the whole crowd was beside the sea on the land. He began to teach them many things in parables, and in his teaching he said to them: “Listen! A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell on the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Other seed fell on rocky ground, where it did not have much soil, and it sprang up quickly, since it had no depth of soil. And when the sun rose, it was scorched; and since it had no root, it withered away. Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no grain. Other seed fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.” And he said, “Let anyone with ears to hear listen!”


    2.        List the Five Pillars of Islam.  Tell me one new thing you learned about Islam from reading The Koran.


    3.       Read the following passage from the Bible:


    As it is written in the prophet Isaiah,[c]

    “See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you,[d]
        who will prepare your way;
    the voice of one crying out in the wilderness:
        ‘Prepare the way of the Lord,
        make his paths straight,’”


    Now tell me what it means to a member of the Hebrew Faith.

    What does it mean to a member of the Christian Faith?


    4.        How does the Gospel of Mark begin?  Would a Muslim believe the opening narrative in Mark? Why or why not? How did the Gospel of Mark end when it was first written?  How does it end now?


    5.        How does Covenant (contract) theology differ from Salvation by Faith.  Recall something you read from Paul (Romans) to help your argument.


    6.       How does Salvation by Faith differ from Islamic submission?  Recall something you read from The Koran to help your argument.




    Wednesday, April 16, 2014

    Spring IOCC 201 Exam III

  • the history of the Roman Empire
  •  how and why it changed
  •  the history of early Christianity
  • Myth of Rome
  •  how and why it changed
  • Types of law from Cicero
  •  the relationship between the  Roman Empire and Christianity
  • The relationship between the Eastern (Greek) and Western (Latin) wing of the Empire
  • Basic early Church architecture
  • Know your heresies
  • Words of the Day
  • Trinity
  • Time in Augustine
  • Plato and Augustine
  • Augustine material about his life
  • Do your reading!!!

  • IOCC 201 Map Exam Final Exam

    Map Exam:
    Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, Damascus, Tarsus, Hippo, Alexandria, Byzantium (Constantinople/Istanbul) Paris, Ancient Troy, Ireland, Ancient Greece, Italy, Spain, Gaul, Norway, Denmark, Africa, The British Islands, Judea, Germania, Ancient Egypt, The Atlantic Ocean, the Dead Sea, the Aegean Sea, The Nile River, The Mediterranean.

    Final Exam Advice:
    Use all three study guides and this map guide to study.  Do your reading.

    Tuesday, April 15, 2014

    IOCC 201 final exam all sections

    Our comprehensive final exam will be held on Friday, April 25th at 12 noon, in Ed Complex 104/5.

    Friday, April 11, 2014

    IOCC 201

    Small Change
    I will do heresies today (Friday the 11th) and we will finish with Augustine.  Reading assignments stay the same.
    Dr. Berg

    Friday, April 4, 2014

    IOCC 201 If you missed Dr. Largent's talk

    This afternoon (4.4.14), I will place a short work by him in the library under reserves.  Write a 250 word response to his work and email it to me by 4.9.14.

    IOCC 201 readings

    April 7 From Early Church Writings: The Epistle of Polycarp and the Martyrdom of Polycarp, and The Didache.

    Augustine: Confessions: Books I,II,VII,VIII, and IX.

    Tuesday, April 1, 2014

    No reservations needed for the play

    The posters for the play say "for reservations call..." but that is just an option, no need to secure a reservation.

    Enjoy the Play!

    IOCC 201 Wed meet in the Chapel!

    Greetings IOCC 201!
    I am going to flip the schedule for the end of this week.  Tomorrow, (Wednesday, April 2) we meet in the Chapel for the Early Church Architecture lecture.  Friday we meet in the classroom for the Trinity lecture.

    Remember your extra credit Wed at 7 and Friday or Saturday at 7!

    Monday, March 31, 2014

    IOCC 201 Extra Credit

    Here are the opportunities!

    Wed April 2, 7pm Thorsen Auditorium: Dr. Mark Largent, The Vaccine Debate in America.
    See me after and sign in after for 5 points!

    Friday or Saturday April 4 and 5, 7pm Mac Theater (2nd Floor, Ed Complex, south side) The play The Misunderstanding by Albert Camus.  See me and sign in after for 5 points!

    Monday, March 24, 2014

    IOCC 201 End of the Semester

    21                                           Exam II

    24                                           The Roman Empire

    26                                           Roman Readings-In Library

    28                                           Roman Readings

    31                                           Early Church Readings


    2                                              Early Church Readings

    4                                              Church Architecture

    7                                              Rome and Early Church

    9                                              Augustine

    11                                           Augustine-Confessions

    14                                           Augustine-Confessions

    16                                           End of an Empire             

    18                                           No Class Good Friday

    21                                           Exam III

    23                                                           Final Exam Review-Final Papers Due

    25                                           Final Comprehensive Exam 12 noon.  Not in our classroom, look to the blog for a new location.

    Wednesday, March 19, 2014

    IOCC 201 Exam II Study Guide

    IOCC 201

    Second Exam
    For all documents that we read know: the aprox. date written, author, location and source language. (There are some documents we read that we do not know these things about, others that we know all of the above, a few that we know some of the above, consult your notes)
    Make sure you have read all assigned text, do not turst your knowledge of the Bible for the exam, study it!
    The synoptic Gospels, the Gospels.

    Quadriga method

    The basic message of Judaism.

    The basic message of Paul’s Christianity.

    Which Gospel was written first.

    The lost source of the Synoptic Gospels

    Source languages of the Bible

    When the Biblical text were written in relation to Homer, Plato and Aristotle.

    Basics of the life of Jesus of Nazareth

    Basics of the life of Paul.

    Basics of the Bible.

    Basic narrative the Genesis 1-23

    Basic narrative of Joshua.
    Structure of Isaiah

    How Isaiah relates to both the Hebrew and Christian tradition.
    Pauline opening/greeting
    Difference between a Gospel and an Epistle.

    The complexities of the ending of Mark

    Basic arguments of Romans

    Romans 13 and society

    How to work with a Biblical text as a Jewish and a Christian Text

    Basic of the Koran

    5 pillars of faith

    Basics of the life of Muhammad

    Technical terms related to the Koran

    Basics of the Islamic tradition, history, and current practice

    Monday, March 17, 2014

    Phil 250: Camus 3.18.14

    Simon Lea's work will not be ready to go for this week, he is actually recording a lecture for us so it will be worth the wait.  We will begin our study of The Fall Tuesday in the classroom.
    Dr. Berg

    Friday, March 7, 2014

    IOCC 201 Twitter Contest winner

    Honorable Mention:

    Jessie, Dyllan, Connor:

    Chelsey and Hunter:

    Attention looking out for a group of smooth talking and flattering people that don't believe in Jesus Christ #shunthenonbeleivers

    Brittany and Rudy:
    Keep Clam This world sucks now but when its all over we'll party in the clouds #don'tworry #faith #cloudparty

    Kristen and Max:
    About to get my preaching on to spread the word of God #acceptance #proud

    Breanne, Ian, Alexis, and Cody:

    Someone punched me in the face & I wound up & gave them the biggest smile #goldenrule

    The winner for 5 extra credit points!!!

    Eli and Emmeritt:
    Romans,what,16,what,19 says: B excellent n what is good, B innocent of evil, 4 the God of peace will soon crush Satan, where? underneath out feet.

    IOCC 201 Koran Reading

    IOCC 201 Koran
    Please read the following Surahs:

    Monday, March 3, 2014

    Phil 250

    We meet on-line tomorrow (March 4th!!)

    IOCC 201 Extra Credit

    Thursday March 6th: Two Options!!!!!

    2 points for attending the art opening at 6pm (Applebee Gallery)

    4 points for attending the Speaker Series at 7:00pm in Thoresen Auditorium. (Springer/Putnam Hall)

    You can sign a sheet with me for your points AFTER the speaker series for 4 points.

    You can send me (via email) a one page reaction (150-250 words in an email is fine with me) to the artist and his work by Friday the 7th end of day.  The artist speaks at 6:30 so be there by that time to get all the points!

    Dr. Berg

    Thursday, February 27, 2014

    IOCC 201 paper instructions Spring 2014

    IOCC 201

    Writing Assignment


    You must write one (1)  paper in this course: it has three parts.


    Your paper must be 5-7 pages long (1250-1750 words), and my “common sense” rule applies.
    You must support your claims with quotes from appropriate text we read in the class.


    Late papers (w/o proper documentation) will be reduced by 10% for each day that it is late.  Example:  Class starts at 9:00, after 9:00 +/- a few minutes it is late.  Each calendar day is a reduction.



      Three parts to the paper:

    1. This I believe
    2. This I do not believe
    3. This I want to do



    1.      This I believe:  I believe Aristotle was correct about actions done when drunk are a mixed action and people are blameworthy.

    2.      I do not believe what Paul wrote about our obligation to the government is the best way for a person to act.

    3.      I want to help women get the right to vote in the world after I read Augustine’s City of Man.


    You may work with any assigned author (original source material) or text in our course.


    N.B. You must work on a text we read, and if you work from the Bible it must be from a book of the Bible that was ASSIGNED IN CLASS.


    Citations are ruled by your Rhetoric 102 course or similar course at your transfer college.  The CLE and the Library can help with this.  The WSRP is an outstanding model for writing this paper.  Use the skills acquired in RHET 101 to write a successful paper in IOCC.


    Use gender neutral language.


    Improper citations or lack of citations will be charged a 5 point penalty for each offense at a minimum and at a maximum will be considered plagiarism and I will file a formal complaint with the Academic Standards Committee and the Dean of the College.


    Many, many, IOCC 201 students do not cite the Bible and suffer dearly from this oversight.  The Bible is a book that deserves equal respect among all the great works of the Western tradition.  Despite rumor, there is no rule that ancient text need not be cited.


    You must use MLA style.


    Your paper is due on the last day of class!

    Your final draft must be handed in as a hardcopy.

    You may have a copy of the General Education writing rubric.  It is in an excel format so please email me and I will send it to you!

    Wednesday, February 26, 2014


    Chapters to read for 2.28:

    Monday, February 24, 2014

    Camus 2.25.14

    In classroom Tuesday 2.25.14 Read the Francev paper.
    2.27.14 On-line discussion of Francev.

    IOCC 201 after Ice Day

    I am collapsing some of the Old Testament material so we can stay on track.  The old reading calendar is still valid.
    Read the first 14 chapters of Joshua for Wednesday the 26th.
    Dr. Berg

    Wednesday, February 19, 2014

    Phil 250: Camus Exam

    I am going to roll out the exam later than I thought, it will go up on Moodle tonight.  I will give you a later due date.
    Dr. Berg

    Tuesday, February 18, 2014

    IOCC 201

    I will update the reading calendar to adjust for the ice day on the 17th and post it here.  For now, we will do Wednesday (19) what was scheduled for the 17th.

    Phil 250: Camus

    In the classroom today (2.18) on-line Thursday (2.20).  Exam will be explained today.

    Monday, February 17, 2014

    2.17.14 No 9am IOCC 201

    Too icy!  No 9am IOCC 201 2.17.14- check back for info about 11am and 1pm.  As it stands now (7:45am), we have class at 11am until I cancel it here.
    Dr. Berg

    Friday, February 14, 2014

    Weather and Classes

    Do not put yourself in harms way to get to the College!  Use your best judgment about the weather.
    Dr. Berg

    Monday, February 10, 2014

    IOCC 201 Study Guide Fall '14

    Remember, I am not bound by this guide in any way. Think of it as a good basic guide but not a controlling document.

    IOCC 210 study guide

    Do not take this as a complete representation of what could be on the exam, it is a “rough guide” at best.

    Know the “ages” of the Greek world and what gave rise to Homer’s age.

    The basic of Homeric authorship, style, works, structure, muse/poet, etc.

    Know the main characters from the sections of The Odyssey we read.

    When did Greek philosophy develop? Know some basics of Greek Philosophical thought.

    Difference between Plato and Socrates.

    Fundamentals of Platonic thought.

    The story of Ion, magnetic rings, and what it teaches, and Plato’s argument.

    Details of the trial of Socrates, outcome, charges, etc

    Know the Socratic defense.

    The Allegory of the cave from Republic (Book 7)

    Rough details of Aristotle’s life.

    What counts as poetry

    Know how to identify the poetic

    Three forms of poetry. Which one is best and why

    How to identify the tragic.

    The four causes.

     Essential, accidental  properties.

    Aristotle on happiness

    The 6 conditions for happiness and their order

    The 4 lives, which one is best any why.

    Voluntary, non-voluntary, and involuntary acts.

    The ideal Polis for Plato and Aristotle
    Aristotle on women.
    The Virtues

    Basic forms of knowledge and the justification for truth from all three.

     Basic form of Platonic and Aristotelian writing as we have it today.

    Basic Greek form of Democracy and their legal system.

    Auditions for the play

    Thursday Feb 13th 4:15-5:30 and Friday Feb 14 12:15-1:30

    Held in the Marian Chase Schaeffer Theater.  2nd floor Ed Complex south of the gym.

    Email Dr. Berg

    Thursday, February 6, 2014

    IOCC 201

    Greetings everyone!
    We will meet in Putnam Hall Monday 2.10.14 as scheduled.  I have made an adjustment to the reading calendar so look at it on the blog and take note of changes; the snow day made it necessary for me to adjust the first exam date and shuffle some of the readings around.
    Dr. Berg

    Tuesday, February 4, 2014

    Phil 250 Camus Feb 4 2014

    We will not meet face-to-face today (Feb 4th), we will meet face-to-face Thursday.  We will flip-flop the class this week due to weather.  I will post an assignment on Moodle and we will chat about it and The Plague on Thursday.  My apologies for the late announcement but the weather turned very quickly today and by noon it was not fit to travel.
    Dr. Berg