Friday, September 28, 2012

A wonderful text

Study Sheets (Homework)

I have graded all the study sheets and extra credit that has come in thus far.  I will place it all in a box marked either "IOCC 201" or "Philosophy".  These boxes will be in Mac Hall 27, please take the time to look at and at least record your scores, if not take it with you.

IOCC 201 students.  Remember that we meet in the Springer/Putnam annex this weed for Aristotle's Poetics.

Our first exam is quickly approaching in both classes!  Catch up with your reading and study!

IOCC: a study guide will be posted here soon.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Phil 250


4       Definitions

6       Definitions

11     Triads

13     Wertz –Is  Sports Unique?

18     Hales- Epistemology and Metaphysics

20     Tamburrini – Market place issues




2         Izod

4       EXAM I

9       Ethics – Meta-ethics

11     Ethics - Mill

16     Ethics - Kant

18     Ethics - Aristotle

23     Sportsmanship - Arnold

25     Cheating - Lehman

30     Winning - Hundley


1       Winning - Eitzen

6       Exam II

8       Violence – Dundes and Parry

13     Drugs – Gardner – Pay attention to the Blog

15     Race - Burfoot

20     Thanksgiving Break

22     Thanksgiving Break

27     Race - Mosley

29     Society - Morgan


4       Pedagogy - Corlett

6       Title IX- Francis

Friday, September 21, 2012

IOCC 201 Writing assignment

IOCC 201

Writing Assignment


You must write one (1)  paper in this course.


Your paper must be 5-7 pages long (1250-1750 words), and my “common sense” rule applies.


 Late papers (w/o proper documentation) will be reduced by 10% for each day that it is late.  Example:  Class starts at 9:30, after 9:30 +/- a few minutes it is late.  Each calendar day is a reduction.



 Three sections:

  1.  This I believe
  2. This I do not believe
  3. This I want to do



I believe Plato is right about the value of art:  Strong argument to justify goes here.

I believe Aristotle was wrong about leadership and women:  Strong argument to justify goes here.

I want to help blind, left-handed Norwegian children learn to read Latin:  Cicero’s track on the “Value of Literature” compelled me to this action for the following reasons…..


You may work with any assigned author (original source material) or text in our course.


N.B. You must work on a text we read, and if you work from the Bible it must be from a book of the Bible that was ASSIGNED IN CLASS.


Citations are ruled by the your Rhetoric 102 course or similar course at your transfer college.  The CLE can help with this.  The WSRP is an outstanding model for writing this paper.


Improper citations or lack of citations will be charged a 5 point penalty for each offense at a minimum and at a maximum will be considered plagiarism and I will file a formal complaint with the Academic Standards Committee and the Dean of the College.


Many, many, IOCC 201 students do not cite the Bible and suffer dearly from this oversight.  The Bible is a book that deserves equal respect among all the great works of the Western tradition. 


Your paper is due on the last day of class!

Your final draft must be handed in as a hardcopy.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

IOCC 201 extra credit tonight!

7 p.m. “From Penn State to State Policy: Child Sexual Abuse in our Communities”
Putnam/Springer - Thoresen Recital Hall

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Questions on the new Coptic "Gospel"?

Here is a fantastic link to the Harvard research on this interesting possible early manuscript.  It shows the original and a fine translation of that work.  Think like a Mac student and decide for yourself!


If you are interested in attending seminary, here is a link to the seminary I graduated from.  It is a fantastic place both in terms of culture and academics and this looks like a fun opportunity.  No commitments, just a way to discern your possible future.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

IOCC 201 homework

Locate two examples from the list of 14 I put on the board in class.  Tell me what one they commit and how the commit it.  I would like to see this done with just two pages of paper.
Dr. Berg

I will not do this for each assignment.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Phil Sport: Moodle

You will be added this week.  Look for an announcment here.
Dr. Berg

Philosophy of Sport Paper

Final Paper

Philosophy of Sport

MacMurray College

Dr. Berg


 Although there are many literary ways to express philosophical ideas, I would like you to stick to writing a traditional "position" paper. This is the most basic, straightforward approach, which involves taking a stand on an important issue and defending it. As this is the most common means of defending ideas in an academic setting (and other settings as well), it should be mastered before you go on to write short stories, parables, dialogues, poems, etc.


What needs to be included in your essay?

  • Your opening paragraph should explain the purpose and plan of your essay. What are you writing about and why?
  • Included in your first paragraph should be a THESIS STATEMENT, a simple statement of your position on the main issue that your essay will discuss.
  • A definition of “sport” or “game” or any critical term used in your work.  You may use one from out authors with proper citation or your own with a proper argument supporting your claim.

1.  An explanation of the views you are discussing:

  • it is essential that your explanation of these views be clear, concise, fair, and accurate. The clarity of your explanation often reveals how well you have understood the view you are explaining.
  • a good summary emphasizes the main points of another's view and the reasoning behind it (if this is known).
  • Paraphrasing and quotation may be helpful here, but cannot be used as a substitute for explaining the ideas in your own words. All quotations must be thoroughly explained.

2. An explanation of your own view

  • this may involve explaining any words which might be misunderstood.
  • it may also involve a comparison of your view with those of others, especially concerning any different assumptions you make, different implications of your views, etc.

3. A defense of your position

  • This is not just an explanation of why you believe what you believe, but provides good reasons for believing it.
  • If your reasons would not convince your roommate, is that because your roommate is a blockhead or because your reasons are lousy ones? If your reasons are lousy, is this view really worth believing?

Should you do outside research?

  • None required. In fact, reading a whole lot about one of these authors from some other source is more likely to complicate the issue rather than help you. I am only concerned that you understand the positions as we have discussed them.
  • Any use of outside sources must be documented.  

What documentation is required for quotations?

  • All quotations from the texts should be followed by the page number(s) in parentheses.
  • Quotations or references to other sources should include full bibliographical information (author, title, publisher, page #), preferably in a footnote or endnote.
  • Plagiarism meets with little sympathy from me. If I catch you, expect to fail this class and be reported for administrative action. Plagiarism includes:
    • making use of the ideas of others without credit--EVEN IF these ideas are explained in your own words
    • paraphrasing by changing a few words in the original (which leads me to believe that you have not understood well enough to explain in your own words)



Length:  10-15  pages, with my “common sense” rule as your guiding feature. Aprox 250 words per page.


You must submit BOTH a hard copy of the paper and electronic version of your paper on the day that it is due.  Late papers (w/o proper documentation) will be reduced by 10% for each day that it is late.

Due:  The last day of class.

Grade value:  100 points


Topic:  Support and expand, critique, or object to one or more than one (make sure they area  set like our set of articles on “Triads”) article from the following books:


1 TITLE:Baseball & Philosophy




PUBLISHER:Open Court Publishing Company Div. Carus Publishing Company





2 TITLE:Red Sox & Philosophy




PUBLISHER:Open Court Publishing Company Div. Carus Publishing Company





3 TITLE:Soccer & Philosophy




PUBLISHER:Open Court Publishing Company Div. Carus Publishing Company





4 TITLE:Martial Arts & Philosophy




PUBLISHER:Open Hand Publishing, LLC




Friday, September 7, 2012

Please pay attention!

I have three separate reading calenders posted.  Make sure you are printing/following the one for your class. T/TH has one, W evening has one, and W/F has one.
Dr. Berg

IOCC 201 W/F

W/F IOCC 201 Reading Calendar



7              Homer

12           Greek Philosophy – Plato’s Republic VII

14           Plato - Intro

19           Plato - Ion

21           Plato - Apology

26           Aristotle – Politics Book 13

28           Aristotle – Ethics Books 1 and 2


3              Aristotle - Poetics

5              Exam I

10           Intro The Hebrew World - Genesis

12           Genesis and Selections from Joshua and Isaiah

17           Joshua and Isaiah - Selections

19           Intro to Christianity

24           The Gospel of Mark

26           Paul’s Letter to the Romans

31           Intro to Islam – Koran selections


2              Selections form the Koran

7              Exam II

9              Augustine - Confessions

14           Augustine - Confessions

16           Roman Packet

21           Thanksgiving  Break

23           Thanksgiving Break

28           Roman Packet

30           Selections from the Early Church


5              Selections from the Early Church

7              End of 201- introduce 301

IOCC 201 T/Th

Reading calendar IOCC 201

T/Th Fall 2012


4              Homer Odyssey 1,2,9,10,11,12,24

6              Homer Odyssey 1,2,9,10,11,12,24

11           Intro to the Classical World – Greek Philosophy

13           Plato – Intro Republic 7

18           Plato Ion

20           Plato Apology

25           Aristotle – Politics book 1

27           Aristotle Ethics Book 1 and 2


2              Aristotle Poetics

4              EXAM I

9              Intro to the Hebrew World - Genesis

11           Genesis- parts of Joshua and Isaiah

16           Parts of Joshua and Isaiah

18           Intro to Christianity

23           The Gospel of Mark

25           Paul’s Letter to the Romans

30           Intro to Islam


1              Selections from the Koran

6              Exam II

8              Augustine - Confessions

13           Augustine - Confessions

15           Roman Packet

20           Thanksgiving Break

22           Thanksgiving Break

27           Roman Packet

29           Selections from the Early Church


4              Selections from the Early Church

6              The end of 21 intro to 301

IOCC 201 W evening

W Reading calendar

IOCC 201

Fall 2012


5              Homer -Odyssey

12           Greek Philosophy- Plato intro- Ion

19           Plato – Republic 7 - Apology

26           Aristotle - Intro – Politics Book 1 – Ethics Book 1 and 2


3              Aristotle – Poetics - Ethics

10           Exam I – Intro to the Hebrew World- Genesis

17           Genesis- Selections from Joshua and Isaiah

24           Intro to Christianity – The Gospel of Mark

31           Paul’s Letter to the Romans – Intro to Islam - Koran


7              Intro to Augustine - Confessions

14           Exam II

21           Thanksgiving Break

28           Roman Packet – The Early Church


5              The Early Church – End of 201 intro to 301

CLE Tutors

Here is a link to the CLE Tutor list and times they are available.  Our tutor is Webster Olive.  Please get to know him!

Kafka and reading

A fantastic article about kafka and our hubris with text:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Moodle IOCC 201

I hear that you have all been enrolled in Moodle.  If you know how to work in Moodle, I will soon post some material so the page is not empty.  If you do not, look here for a post on how to access Moodle.
Dr. Berg

IOCC 201 Plato reading

Read chapter 7 of The Republic.  I may have told some of you the wrong chapter!
Dr. Berg

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Moodle update!  Soon, you will be added by the college to the IOCC 201 course.  Instructions will follow here.
Dr. Berg

IOCC 201 Extra Credit

Tonight is your first opportunity for extra credit.  I must teach tonight so I can not be there to take role or have you sign in, thus we are on a honors system tonight.  Next time your class meets a 250 word reaction paper (linked to something from the ancient world and Homer) is due.
Dr. Berg

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Please be patient with the Moodle process.  You earn no points from the Moodle component of the course, it is primarily a document storage service and an extra reading outlet.  Every necessary document for the class (IOCC 201) will be handed to you in class.
Dr. Berg