Thursday, May 31, 2012

ADC reminder

Exam #1 is due by 4pm tomorrow!   Friday.
Dr. Berg

Friday, May 25, 2012

Exam 1


Exam I

4 questions, 25 points each plus 10 points extra credit.

You have one week to return this exam to me. It is now 4pm on May 25th.

Email your answers as an attachment to my Mac email,

Use your Rachels text. I expect that you will work on your own and direct questions to me.

Do not plagiarize!

Question #1 Religion and Ethics

Plato asks us (by way of his character Socrates) the question: “Is something good because God commands it, or does God command it because it is good?” Explain the dilemma this presents for a religious person. How would you answer this question from Socrates?

Immanuel Kant makes the claim that “ought implies can”. In other words, in the moral world, if we ought to do something, we can do it. How does this claim fit with mental illness? Does this claim argue that we, as humans, can be perfect?

I made the claim in class that Christians and the Jewish faith share a common set of moral rules, commonly called The 10 Commandments? What do you think of Martin Luther’s claim that doing the right thing to get to heaven or avoid hell (or purgatory) is a selfish thing to do? Is he right or wrong? Why?

In the world today, do we need religion to do the right thing? In other words, if we eliminate religion do we eliminate the foundation of Ethics? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Question #2 Cultural Relativism

What is the central argument for Cultural Relativism (CR)?

I made several arguments against CR, clearly and completely outline one argument against CR, and give an example to demonstrate how it works against the CR position. What central value does the CR argument wish to put forward in the world of moral thinking? Is this value worth saving? Why or why not?

Question #3 Egosim

What is “ethical egoism?” (Be clear and complete)

What is Psychological Egoism? What is the relationship between the two?

Explain one argument against ethical egoism that you find compelling.

With regard to your argument against egoism: construct a plausible counterargument that a proponent of ethical egoism might make.

Speculate intelligently about why someone might find the doctrine of ethical egoism an appealing or attractive philosophical position.

Write a short story (no more than 250 words) that will demonstrate ethical egoism and the moral implications of the position.

Question #4 Relativism

Are all things relative? If yes, how is that true? If no, why not?

Clearly distinguish between “cultural relativism” and “individual relativism”.

If relativism is true, what is the status of the study of political science and the law?

Why do ethicists distinguish between the law and ethics?

Why do ethicists distinguish between etiquette and ethics?

Bonus: You all worked very hard to study for this exam. In reward for that work you may answer the following question for a maximum of 10 extra credit points.

With the exception of any reading mentioned above, tell me about another assigned reading from this section of the class. Try and outline the argument as best you can and make an assessment of the merits of the argument.

Weekend Philosophy Humor

Thursday, May 24, 2012

J.S. Mill

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Use of this Blog ADC

Remember folks, this blog is just a courtesy.  I only post material here that you can find on Moodle.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


The Moodle aspect of the course should be ready to go.  The password to self-enroll is "kant".

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Language of the course (part I)

I think it is grand idea to become familiar with the language of Ethics.
Take the time to look up the meaning of these words and have a working knowledge of the definition of each one.  Remember, find the Philosophical definition of these words and phrases.  Robert Audi wrote a good old-school book that can be helpful, and I am sure all can be found on the Internet.  All else fails, ask the good Doctor that posted them.

Mauvaise foi (french)
Arete (greek)
Logical Fallacy
Soundness (logic)
Validity (logic)
Necessary Condition
Sufficient Condition
Logos (greek)
Social Contract
Social Darwinism


I am setting up the Moodle aspect of the course today, but I have run into some technical difficulties, the College is working on that problem as I type this.  Do not ignore this blog as I like to use it and find the interface very manageable.

ADC Helpful webpage.

Here is a link to a helpful web page you can trust.  I do not suggest you use this page for your paper, but it will help you navigate the readings and will illuminate some dark territory for you.

Also, please email me with questions.

Kant: Enjoy your reading.

Greetings ADC students

I though we had a great session on Saturday.  Soon, I will post the exam here and launch it through other channels.  Also look here for links and articles that will help you with your readings, your presentation, and your final paper.
Dr. Berg