Friday, December 5, 2014

IOCC 201 Twitter Contest Results!

The Winner!
Brittany, Jasmin, Melissa.

"That awkward moment when you have to be nice to the one person that hates you the most #Killemwithkindness #Lovethyenemy"

Honorable Mention:
Klay Hickey, Mallory Routien, and Laney Wisneski

"@god says u may b riding the #strugglebus but keep ur faith no matter how bad things get: he will pu u thru and grant you glory! #GodIsGood"

Jenny Penone, Carson Terrel, Seth Stanton, and Phoenix Tupper

"Adam's sin damned us, then God forgave s through Christ. In other words, Adam dropped the ball. #AdamYouF%ckedUp"

Cody A, Ryan W, and Damin B.

"Goodby Sin! There is a new sheriff in town! #Grace"

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A good map link (IOCC 201);_ylt=AwrB8p.qZn5UzxkANUiJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzdG1qdGRyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMzZDM0ODlmZDQyMzk3MDAyZjM3ODFhNGNkYzU4YThiYgRncG9zAzQ2BGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&

IOCC 201 Map Exam Final

IOCC 201 Map Exam Final Exam
Map Exam:
Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, Damascus, Tarsus, Hippo, Alexandria, Byzantium (Constantinople/Istanbul) Paris, Ancient Troy, Ireland, Ancient Greece, Italy, Spain, Gaul, Norway, Denmark, Africa, The British Islands, Judea, Germania, Ancient Egypt, The Atlantic Ocean, the Dead Sea, the Aegean Sea, The Nile River, The Mediterranean.

Final Exam Advice:
Use all three study guides and this map guide to study.  Do your reading.

Monday, December 1, 2014

IOCC 201 M/W/F classes

December 1st we meet in the Chapel.