Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Class policy for 2-3-2011

The President of the College has established the following policy:

Dear MacMurray College Students,

I have heard from many of you and want to share the following information with all of our students.

1. For everyone, please let your safety guide your behavior about commuting, classes, and reporting to practicum sites.

2. Commuting students, exercise your best judgment, and let safety guide your decision-making related to driving. If you believe you cannot get to class safely, please inform your professors and practicum site supervisors. Our faculty are renowned for their care for students, and I will ask them to please be responsive to weather-related problems.

3. Residential students with mobility needs, please let your faculty and practicum site supervisors know if you will not be in class due to mobility safety. Stay safe. They will understand.

4. Other residential students,

a. I suggest you NOT try to use your cars over the next day. I have heard from some residential students that cars are “snowed in” and many of you report you don’t believe that driving your car is safe.

b. Please dress as warmly as you can and walk to class. I have been out walking on campus and know it is VERY COLD.

c. Let faculty and practicum site supervisors know if you cannot make it to the practicum site tomorrow.

5. Campus walks have been cleared. The Katy parking lot has been cleared, and our wonderful facilities staff have been on duty with snow removal all day yesterday and today, in the most brutal of conditions. I am grateful to them for their very hard work. They will be back on the job in the morning, and I am sure snow removal will progress tomorrow.

Snow and ice are a part of the landscape of winter in central Illinois, unfortunately. Please be responsive to one another and lend each other a hand, if needed. I look forward to seeing you. Take care.

President Hester
Colleen Hester, PhD
President, MacMurray College
447 East College Avenue
Jacksonville, IL 62650

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