Friday, April 27, 2012

Phil 315 final

Philosophy 315 Final Exam

Dr. Berg

Spring 2012

You will answer both questions for the final exam. You can have no electronic devices, books etc during the exam. Do not work on these questions together. Answer both questions, 50 points each.
You may bring in a list of 20 words to help you through the exam.  I will check your list before the exam begins.

  1. The Jewish faith claims that salvation comes through adherence to the Law. Christians claim that salvation comes by faith in Christ and the Law has come to an end. Can both be right? Why or why not? Lutherans are Christians and Roman Catholics are Christians. Lutherans argue that salvation comes through faith and faith alone. Roman Catholics argue that faith must be connected to good works. Can both be right? Argue this claim the opposite way that you did for the Jewish/Christian claim above. Example if you said both can be right for the Jewish/Christian question, argue that both Lutherans and Roman Catholics can not be right. What do I mean when I say that the claim of religious pluralism is metaphysically incompatible? What do I mean when I say the claim of religious pluralism is soteriologically incompatible? It is morally wrong as a person of faith to argue that one religion will not be saved because they do not agree with “your” position? Why or why not? (Hint: A VERY poor way to answer this question is to say that what they think is right is right for them and does not apply to you, try and work out a universal moral claim to answer this question)
  2. Use the account in Genesis chapter 1 from the Bible to answer this question. Using the Dawkins reading as a base, write a critique of the account of the creation of humans from Genesis (be aware there are two accounts, select one). Now, evaluate this account using the Pope John Paul II's work on this issue. Now, use the assigned Darwin reading and the entire creation narrative from Genesis. Find three points in the Genesis account that are compatible with Darwin's work. Make sure and show me how they are compatible. Now, find three points in the Genesis account that are incompatible with the Darwin account. Be sure and show me how they are incompatible. Can a person simultaneously hold a materialistic scientific view of the world and be Christian? Why or why not? Create a definition of “rational faith” using what you learned in this class. Is a rejection of the literal narrative in Genesis 1 an act of rebellion according to Dostovesky? Why or why not?

Extra Credit: look up and memorize the definition to the following words commonly used in the philosophical study of religion:

Textus Receptus

Loci Communes

Summum Bonum

Creatio ex Nihilo

Simul ustus et Peccator

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Christus Lux Mundi

10 points for a complete correct set.

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